Valmetal Manure Separator Equipment

Your manure separator equipment is crucial for your modern dairy farms. You need a great manure separation system to manage the large volumes of manure produced by dairy cattle. The primary goal of manure separator equipment is to separate solid and liquid fractions of manure. Your manure agitator will allow for more efficient nutrient management, reduced environmental impact, and potential reuse of the separated components.

Mid Valley Manufacturing offers three types of manure separator equipment by Valmetal including:

Xtra Press Dairy Manure Agitator

Valmetal Sloped Screen Manure Agitator

Valmetal XPress PS Recycled Bedding Pasteurizer

How Manure Agitators & Manure Separator Equipment Works

1. Collection of Manure

The process begins with the collection of manure from dairy cows. This can be a combination of solid feces, urine, and bedding materials like straw or sawdust.

2. Preparation of Manure

The collected manure may contain large solid particles and a liquid slurry. It needs to be prepared for separation by breaking down clumps and ensuring a more homogenous mixture.

3. Transportation to Separation Equipment

The prepared manure is then transported to the manure agitator and manure separator equipment. This can be done using manure pumps or conveyors, depending on the specific system in place.

4. Primary Separation

The first step in many manure separation systems involves the manure agitator, the primary separation process. This typically takes place in a separator, which could be a screw press, centrifuge, or another type of mechanical separator. The manure separator works by applying mechanical force to separate the liquid and solid components. In a screw press, for example, a rotating screw conveys the manure through a screen, allowing liquids to pass through while retaining the solid fraction.

5. Optional Secondary Separation

Some systems may include a secondary manure separation step to further refine the separation. This can involve additional screens, settling basins, or other processes to achieve a higher degree of solid-liquid separation.

6. Collection of Separated Fractions

Separated solid fractions, often referred to as manure solids or sludge, is collected and can be further processed for various purposes such as composting or bedding material for livestock. The liquid fraction, which is now more concentrated with nutrients, is also collected separately.

7. Nutrient Management

The separated fractions allow for more precise nutrient management. The liquid fraction can be applied to fields as a nutrient-rich fertilizer, and the solid fraction can be used for bedding or undergoing further treatment.

8. Reuse or Disposal

Depending on the farm’s needs and local regulations, the separated fractions may be reused on the farm or disposed of responsibly. Reusing the separated components can contribute to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

9. Maintenance & Monitoring

Regular maintenance of the manure separator equipment is essential to ensure its optimal performance. This includes cleaning screens, checking mechanical components, and addressing any issues promptly. Monitoring the system is crucial for adjusting parameters as needed and ensuring that the separation efficiency meets the farm’s requirements.

Contact Mid Valley Manufacturing

Please call us at 1-888-854-4568 or contact us online if you would like more information about any of our manure separator equipment.